Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Inside her journey

It was inside her journey that she truly felt her experiences open up.From distant lands and world's beyond her that she truly felt at home in her open spaces. ....Because she applied her inner self to open up her journey and let it shine all around her...Because of this,her life transformed into a new direction of opportunities and possibilities of the blessings from the unknown.... it was partially from the different lives she faced her challenges,and also from the lessons in this life that she allowed herself her to focus and REALLY open up to the beauty of life..And because of the openness,she gave herself the freedom to enjoy her life and love that was all around her from the beginning...Which helped her to bring the two friendships that needed to be healed together,she worked her magic to create a more unified form of unconditional love that these two friends never felt before because of the many obstacles they shared in the past!Now the united friendship blossomed into what was meant to be in their lives before..deep friendship with different meaningful energies and through that healing these two friends found forgiveness not just in the circumstances of the lives before...But they found forgiveness and surrender in themselves..It's because of surrender that their hearts became whole again..For better or worse their friendship became stronger and more powerful than ever before...... In this journey,it is always and will always be about love,not romantic love but friendship love.....unconditionally and compassionately Because inside her journey she found the closure she needed for her blessings of friendship and abundance to blossom and transform themselves into what she truly longed for Peace,joy and love......magic happens when you truly believe....Bliss be yours with love and light... as always smilezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz & namaste

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